Cancer Organisations- Research and Support
Breast Cancer Network Australia- information, advocacy, networking and support.
293 Camberwell Rd
Camberwell, VIC 3124
Ph: 1800 260 243
Breast Cancer Care Western Australia- support, networking and information.
80 Railway Street, Cottesloe WA 6011
Ph:(08) 93243703
Pink Hope- information for high risk breast cancer.
PO Box 725, Narrabeen NSW 2101
Ph: 02 8084 2288
Reclaim Your Curves- support, inform and network around breast reconstruction.
Cancer Council Australia- support, inform, fund research.
Tel: (02) 8063 4100
Cancer Australia- establish national clinical guidelines.
Postal address: Locked Bag 3, STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012
Ph: +61 2 9357 9400 or 1800 624 973
Solaris Cancer Care, Western Australia- provide complementary and integrated medicines.
80 Railway Street
Cottesloe, WA 6011
Ph: (08) 9384 3544
Ovarian Cancer Australia- advocate, network, inform and support.
Level 1, 210 Lonsdale St, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Breast Cancer Trials Australia & New Zealand- research.
PO Box 283
The Junction NSW 2291
Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation
PO Box 428, Ashburton, Victoria 3147
Ph: 1300 682 742
The Ladybird Foundation (funding WA Breast and Gynae Cancer Research)
National Breast Cancer Coalition- advocate, inform, network
1010 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 900
Washington DC 20005 USA
Ph: 800-622-2838
Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation- breast science and advocacy training.
PO Box 780067 San Antonio Texas 78278-0067
Young Survival Coalition- support, advocate, inform, network.
75 Broad St, Suite 409
New York, NY 10004
Ph: 877.972.1011
Australian Lymphology Association- information, connect with health professionals
PO Box 7345, Beaumaris, VIC 3193
Ph: 1300 935 332
Australian Physiotherapy Association
Cancer, Palliative Care and Lymphoedema Group- professional body for physiotherapists
Ph: +61 3 9092 0888